Friday, November 18, 2005


Why I don't dig Golf

My first game of golf was way back when I was studying in England. There, almost everyone can play the game. Betul...I once bumped into Mahmood the butcher teeing off in his t-shirt and soiled pants.

It was cheap to play Golf there. It has to be. Otherwise how can a debt ridden a.k.a Mr Overdraft me afford to play.

Once back in Malaysia, like all young turks who just came back from abroad and leaving their overdraft problems behind, I tried playing the game here. Like a true "Malaysia Boleh" fella, I refused to take lessons from pros. I thought I could rely on what Mahmood the butcher taught me.

I was wrong. I sucked.

I sucked then and I continued "suckering".

They tell me that you need to play Golf to build up contacts, to "mesra" (Damn I hate that Bob fella) with your clients and blah-blah-blah. It doesn't work for me at least. Mana taknya...half of the time my client will be waiting for me at the green while I was still busy:-

(i) "mencangkul" my ball off some bushes; or

(ii) looking for my ball at the other fairway;

There's just simply no communication when you play with me.

After a while they all stop accepting my invitations for a game.

The only thing I enjoy about Golf is being on the greens at 7 a.m while the sun is still not sure of coming out and the mist hovering over the green. Bliss.... and yeah, I just dig racing those Golf buggies man.

By the way, for you non-golfers, don't be misled by the photo of the very cool dude running with his birthday suit being chased by Mr Smith and the Bobby. There are only 18 holes to be played in a golf course.

Hole 19....well...we'll talk about that some other time.


aaaah, an update at last!

u dont have to love golf to be human kan? i dont know 'jack' about golf and i dont think i miss it.

to all golf freaks out there...enjoy it while u can!
kesian nya .... but since most of the time I spent time hitting the balls on the fairway and knocking the balls into the hole on green. I guess you must have not been blessed with it. hoi !!! tunggu wa balik kl lah.
lepas ni kena tunggu one month jugakke for update?? hehe....Selamat Hari Rayau
amboi mak ...lamernya nak tunggu izyz update blog...izyz main golf jugak ke...dewa cakap izyz main bola kocek je...aper tu?...hahahah..dewa memang nak kene tu...
Golf is tres boring man, .. I could never dig a game like that. I'd rather watch cricket, and I don't even know how it's played, hahaha!!

Good to see you back - dah about to give up hope dah!

Apologies for not making it for your "do" that night - me and Mr.D couldn't get away from where we were (and WIPE that smirk off yer face!!). ;D
Ahaaa... at least leh tenguk new pict... although pontianak tu memang cun tapi dah "terlampau" lama and suddenly today bila buka ajer nampak gambar baru yg tak ler cun but funny.

Golf?? my friend's son said stands for "Golongan Orang Lupa Famili"..

he he he Minta ampun .. golf addix tak cam tu kot?
Izyz....hah kata nak tulis pasal Miss 156?!!!....

Akilo Mundo
kena lah berlagak ( eh tak lah , aku tak berlagak , aku memang terer aper ). harap nak main dgn dewa sibuk dgn blog dan awek awek dia. lagipun kena lah tunjuk aku ni boleh di tewaskan. kalau dak org tak nak main dgn aku. before that aku sapu duit depa , now pulang lah balik. lain kali , aku sapu bersih esp bila maruman exim nano2 aku dah di try tadi, berdesup .....

to sya ,
pada mereka yg menganggap golfer ni golongan org yang lupa famili , mesti kena ingat , pak lah main golf tau , ade dia lupa family dia. and for me , nak kuar lagi satu dah nie this friday . for me I am blessed with a wife who understand the husband passion of golf not karoke not lepaking not main ps2 not terhangguk hangguk kat bar...he he he.
golf addix .. im sorry i offended u Mr K back safe & sound?
i x suka main golf..panas plus takut hitam..hihih..kalau terer ok la .. can make money..
hey...tak nak crita ngan kita ke the good news tuu...heheh...lali...
laa.. lom update update lagi... betul ler kata Dewa tuh
emm.. tu pun nak kena bagi tau kat blog nih.. hish.

Nice template izyz
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